The dream of publishing Victory from the Shadows endured for nine years through physical injuries, illnesses, family challenges, even deaths of loved ones, but we made it. People who knew how to do what we had to learn popped up unexpectedly as we needed them.
I have been forced to recall that my presence in the lives of others is enhanced when I am willing to share, advise, give, and offer help in small or larger ways. Although life is hard at times, there are many more points of beauty than we imagine. That is why we go toward the joys in life by striving, hoping, and caring.
I learned as a young boy that if I was going to break a horse, I would be thrown off and suffer a variety of hurts, but they did not compare to the joy of riding that animal when it was broken. Likewise, we went through rejections and revisions and several total rewrites with different styles, directions, and voices.
It is important to write daily, keep writing, and never give up. At the same time, we had to learn how to pursue our dream and organize, research, and express memories. We needed to understand the process of writing to develop our craft.